Q: Will the Sleepy Wrap be very warm to wear in Singapore's humid weather? What has been your experience with this?
A: Firstly you will need to be aware that there will always be some body heat trapped as long as you carry your baby. A baby carrier made with natural fibres (eg. cotton, linen) is more breathable that those made of synthetic fibres (eg.polyester, nylon). The Sleepy Wrap is made of cotton and feels like a T-shirt material, so it breathes rather well. In our experience it is not exactly a lot warmer to wear than other carriers, although it will definitely be slightly warmer than using a ring sling since there is additional layer of cloth going around you. Having said that, heat tolerance is a personal thing and some people find that the organic cotton Sleepy Wrap can be cooler and more breathable than the normal ones. We have personally tested a Sleepy Wrap with a newborn in Singapore at home for two hours without any air-conditioning (mid-year) and do not exactly find it very much warmer than carrying the baby in arms.
Q: What kind of breastfeeding tops gives best access to babies to feed with the Sleepy Wrap?
A: With the Sleepy Wrap, you should be looking at nursing tops with top down access. This will help you nurse easily and more discreetly. A bottom up nursing access can be too cumbersome for use with a Sleepy Wrap. For many of our mothers, they have learnt to also just wear a simple stretchy spaghetti strapped tank and pull down for nursing, doing away with any nursing tops. The top panel of the Sleepy wrap can be used as a cover up for when you nurse your baby.